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来源:BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine

作者:HM Skip Kingston;John C Kern;Timothy Fahrenholz;等

关键词:Oxidative stress;Immune dysregulation;...

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来源:BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine

作者:HM Skip Kingston;John C Kern;Timothy Fahrenholz;等

关键词:Oxidative stress;Immune dysregulation;...

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来源:BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine

作者:Afaf K El-Ansary;Laila Al-Ayadhi;Ramesa Shafi Bhat;等

关键词:Comet DNA assay;Interferon gamma;...

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来源:BMC Medicine

作者:Bernard Crespi


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来源:BMC Psychiatry

作者:Xue-Rong Luo;Jing-Ping Zhao;Xu-Dong Liu;等

关键词:Chinese;Social Adjustment;...

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来源:BMC Psychiatry

作者:Gilles Bertschy;Fabrice Berna;Benoit Trojak;等

关键词:Cognitive disabilities;Autism;...

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